Dungeon of Horror Tickets
Who can enter the Dungeon of Horror?
The experience is intense and best for 18+ years old. If you are a brave 15+ year-old you can come if you are accompanied by a guardian (but beware of our “chicken list” where we put those that give up!). The maximum size of group is 5 people. If you are more thatn that, you need to book two tickets.
Do's and Dont's of our Fear House
1. It is very important to follow our safety instructions. Nobody will hurt you.
2. It is recommended that you wear casual clothes. Your clothes will not get damaged but you may collect some dust in our old abandoned cellar.
3. The Dungeon of Horror is an intense adrenaline experience and involves also moderate level of physical activity. If you are owner of cardiostimulator, you have Epilepsy, you have a physical injury - the Dungeon is probably not for you. If you are not sure, please contact our staff and we will help you to decide.
4. Alcohol and drugs are strictly forbidden inside of the whole Thrill Park. Entering our Fear House under influence of drugs or alcohol may lead to the a bad experience. Strong emotions of Fear and Adrenalin you'll get don´t go well together with alcohol or other drugs.